Friday, April 23, 2010

Protect Yourself With the Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Recently I was watching a nightly news report that was going through the life of a person that had been charged with a crime that they were dead set they had not committed. This person had been sentenced with a life sentence in prison. They went through this whole story and there were times that you thought this person was guilty and then there were times that you thought there was no way this person had committed this crime. It was very difficult to decide on whether they were guilty or not.

Then they got to the end of the one hour show and showed how there was some clues that came up later and this person was cleared of the crime. They found the right person and they admitted to the crime. The other person had served over ten years in prison and their life would never be the same. His children had grown up and his wife had moved on.

It was a very sad story, but then they interviewed him after getting out of prison and he said that he was mostly grateful for an amazing county attorney who kept fighting for him. He pointed out that if he didn't have the amazing attorney he would still be in jail. In order to keep these things at the forefront of people's minds it takes an amazing criminal defense attorney who will fight all the way for you. You never know when these things will sneak up on you and you want to make sure you have the best fighting for you.

( ) As a criminal defense Essex County attorney for over 20 years I have aggressively protected the rights of the accused throughout the State of New Jersey.

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